Finally I am really an Auntie! I have had a cookie company for about 8 years called Auntie Nalani's Cookies www.auntienalaniscookies.com since I had so many children in my life that I adore I thought I am an Auntie! but now, now I REALLY am and aunt! Yippie and congratulations to Ryan and Janet and welcome to the world Jack!
So as you may guess this baby is going to be spoiled rotten!

In other news...have you seen a website called www.stylehive.com take a peek, it is pretty neat. Probably don't need to go there everyday but fun when you are tired of surfing the web with no direction, have fun!
I will post some more goodies later! I think we got a shipment today at Red Pineapple..I will keep you posted! - Nalani
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